Nightcap! (2023-2024), was a cabaret comedy show in Alan Cumming’s infamous downtown Club Cumming cabaret venue. Previous comedians on the show include Mary Beth Barone, Dylan Adler, Emmy Blotnick, Marie Faustin, and Glorelys Mora. Featuring Lourdés’ own brand of diva mixed with improvised cabaret style songs, Alan has said he “loves” having Lourdés at the venue. Once upon a time this was the hottest ticket for the price of a sandwich.
Whatta Gal! (2019), was the off-Broadway debut standup and cabaret solo show piece written by and performed by Lourdés Zamora. With original music arrangement by Dylan Adler and the stage directorial debut of Lilla Crawford, the show premiered off-broadway at the former Duplex Cabaret Theatre, and later on went on to be put up at The Upright Citizens Brigade former Hell’s Kitchen theatre. Featuring cabaret style songs written by a then 19 year old Lourdés, the show ran monthly for the Fall 2019 season.
Potluck! (2019-2020), was a weekly standup show hosted and created by Lourdés Zamora and Mackincey Koolman. Previously in Bushwick’s ambient hole in the wall venue Mood Ring, the show featured a rotating weekly lineup with comedians such as Rachel Sennott, Alex English, and Maddy Smith.